Maria Calo Video #365 Spanish Lesson
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295 NW Commons Loop Suite 115-377
Lake City, FL 32055
Phone: (239) 498-3684 Fax: 386 963-2808 or (727) 856-7863
5'6", 185lbs and more muscular then ever!!
5'6"", 200lbs off season,
175lbs contest, 181/2"" biceps and calves, 291/2"" quads.
This video is better then the first wrestling video she did for Mass Muscle because besides lots of
great wrestling holds and non-stop wrestling, maria also flexs her MASSIVE muscles while applying
her devastating holds on luis. For instance when maria has luis in a scissors she flexs her massive
arms also to taunt luis and make him so scared that he barely last the full 45 minutes of torture
he took all during this video.
Lots of scissors,grapevines with bicep and chest smothering at the same time, many lifts and carries
with airplane spins. One time she lifts luis so high I though he was going to go through the ceiling!
also many combination holds which show maria great wrestling knowledge.
Marias muscles explode with every hold she applies and that along with her flexing her muscles while
wrestling will keep you on the edge of your seat guaranteed! Maria is possibly the most muscular and
largest wrestler on the circuit today. Her muscles ar bigger then ever before and she is at a rock hard
and cut 185lbs.Lots of intensity here because maria was intstructed not to hold back and give luis all she
had. Luis is small in structure but he is known for being able to take allot of punishment, but in this video
luis has met his match and is completely devastated and tortured beyond belief. Great video of maria in
action and showing her MASSIVE muscles to its fullest. 45 minutes for $50.00 and as always when purchasing
this video you get one free from video 101-300.On Line Catalog get your copy today before the rush!!!
This is one MASSIVE MUSCLED lady you will not want to miss.!!
Email me at Mass Muscle below for her direct contact information in Va. and DC/MD. areas.
Video # 365 picture gallery:
Ordering instructions:
Visa or MasterCard:
Order line (239) 498-3684 Make check or money order payable to:
Fax: 386 963-2808 or (727) 856-7863 Mass Muscle
295 NW Commons Loop Suite 115-377
Lake City, FL 32055
To send order please click here.
Web Author: Mass Muscle Ed