This is one of the most muscular and biggest ladies Mass Muscle has
presented in some time. She has awesome strength capable of 506lb squats, 330 bench, 400
dead lift, 175lb biceps curls. Ewa from Sweden does travel to the USA at times and plans a
trip here in 1999. Mass Muscle will be producing videos with her, lots of them so she will
be showing all of you her awesome power when she defeats her male foes.
8X10 autographed photos of her are now available for sale through her by emailing her direct at and as always be sure to tell her Mass Muscle Ed told you. This lady is beyond awesome!!!
Ewa Ericksson picture gallery:
Visa or MasterCard: Order line (239) 498-3684 Make check or money order payable to: Fax: 386 963-2808 or (727) 856-7863 Mass Muscle 295 NW Commons Loop Suite 115-377 Lake City, FL 32055