sexy, muscular, world class bodybuilder
Monix is currently living in Ft. Lauderdale Florida and is ready to take you on in
Seim-competitive wrestling, light playful, scissors, domination, fantasy wrestling and posing sessions.
She is one of the sexiest bodybuilders in the industry!
Stats: 5-4 145 pounds off season, 135 pounds pre-contest, BB, black hair, absolutely a beautiful lady!!contact her at
Be sure to tell her Mass Muscle Ed told you.
Monix will be doing videos with Mass Muscle in the near future, in the meantime see this beautiful sexy lady, she is unreal!!
Photos of Monix
Visa or MasterCard: Order line (239) 498-3684 Make check or money order payable to: Fax (386) 935-4283 MM-Videos 295 NW Commons Loop Suite 115-377 Lake City, FL 32055
To send order please click here.