Video 425 Demo Video #13

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295 NW Commons Loop Suite 115-377
Lake City, FL 32055
Phone: (239) 498-3684 Fax: 386 963-2808

Demo Video 13 Video 425


Best video segments from videos 406-424

This video shows short segments from videos 406-424. The best scenes from all of your favorite videos. scissors, lifts and carries, biceps, legs, glut's, competitive, erotic, topless and so much more, muscles galore,!! This will allow you to see short clips from all the videos listed helping you to decide which one you wish to see in its entirety. Lots of fantastic non-stop action will give you great entertainment for 1 hour.This video is 60 minutes long for $50.00 and as usual by this video and receive one free from videos 101-380, On Line Catalog

Some photos from videos

Ordering instructions:

Visa or MasterCard:
Order line (239) 498-3684               Make check or money order payable to:
Fax        (386) 935-4283               MM-Videos
                                      295 NW Commons Loop Suite 115-377
                                      Lake City, FL 32055    

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