Michelle Ivers
Michelle Is always muscular and hard and in this video she has lean big muscles and displays them all!!! She shows all of you she not only has a GREAT squeeze
Any of you that have watched Michelle in action knows she is fast paced, keeps moving, and is exciting to watch. Without any doubt she TRULY enjoys squeezing a man!! It is a turn on to her. Charlie a buffed soft spoken kind of guy comes into the therapy office to receive some therapy as how he doesn't really like wrestling women (especially muscular women) but does it all the time and spends huge amount of money to do so.
Michelle tries to explain to charlie that it is not so bad and that he shouldn't feel this way especially towards muscular women. All michelle can do is to try and teach charlie that wrestling a muscular woman is allot of fun. And teach him she does. An onslaught of great non-stop action wrestling starts off this video and Michelle is at her finest, with excruciating scissors of all kinds. Front, back, rear, figure four head scissors galore!! Some body scissors that almost made charlie pass out. Michelle is extremely strong!!
As always order this 50 minute video for $50 and choose one video free from 101-430. On Line Catalog
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