Colette Guimond

295 NW Commons Loop Suite 115-377
Lake City, FL 32055
Phone: (239) 498-3684 Fax: 386 963-2808

Colette Guimond 5', 153lbs, 18" calves, 17 1/2" biceps, 27 +" Flared rock hard quads!!


Believe it or not colette is even bigger then her last video with mass muscle.. She is MASSIVE!!!!

Colette tries her hand at perfume sales door to door. Her first stop is at the home of Charlie and his girl friend. Charlie's girl friend is not home so Colette tries to sell some to Charlie. just doesn't seem to learn any respect for women in general and his distaste for Colette's perfume products irritates Colette just to much. Guys, I have to tell you I have never seen such a massively muscle powerful woman like Colette squeeze a man as intensely and with such destructive power as I witnessed in this videos. For real now no bull, Colette knocks Charlie out three times with the most awesome, power driven, destructive, full out vibrating head scissors you will ever see. It is just to good to be true, this video without any doubt is a scissors lovers dream come true. Head scissor after head scissor leave Charlie left in a daze and at times out cold. Charlie is know for being a man who never submits and I have to hand it to him in this video even though he was knocked out three times he never gave up. Great grapevines, head locks, and various other holds tops off this outstanding video. Colette is just to awesome to watch!!!! As always order this 45 minute video for $50 and choose one video free from 101-430. On Line Catalog

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Ordering instructions:

Visa or MasterCard:
Order line 239 498-3684               Make check or money order payable to:
Fax        (386) 935-4283               Mass Muscle
                                      295 NW Commons Loop Suite 115-377
                                      Lake City, FL 32055    

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